Ally Auto offers a deferred presentment loan to help you get back on the road in an emergency. If your car breaks down, or if you need funding for registration fees or other unexpected expenses that might put you behind on your payments, Ally Auto is here to help. We can provide up to $1,000 in financing with our simple application process and affordable rates starting as low as 6 percent APR for qualified borrowers.
Ally Auto Deferred Presentment Loans
Ally Auto Deferred Presentment Loans are small, short-term loans that can help you cover unexpected expenses. They’re designed for people with bad credit who need a small amount of money up to $500 and don’t want to be saddled with high interest rates or hidden fees.
If you’re looking for an alternative to payday loans or other expensive options, this loan might be right for you.
An Ally Auto Deferred Presentment Loan is a small, short-term loan that can help you through a financial emergency.
An Ally Auto Deferred Presentment Loan is a small, short-term loan that can help you through a financial emergency. It’s a great option if you need to cover unexpected expenses or get caught in between paychecks.
An emergency is something like losing your job or having major car trouble, while an unexpected expense might be paying for a family member’s funeral or repairing damage from Hurricane Florence. The amount you borrow depends on how much money is needed and how long the lender will extend your payment date; some lenders offer loans up to $1,000 with monthly payments as low as $50 per month (or even less). An Ally Auto Deferred Presentment Loan could give you back control of your finances when life throws curveballs at you!
Get up to $1,000 with the simple application process.
Ally Auto offers instant financing for car repairs, registration fees and other unexpected expenses at deferred presentment rates starting at just 6 percent APR for qualified borrowers. There is no credit check required to get started.
Approval is fast and affordable.
You can apply for an Ally Auto deferred presentment loan online or at one of our many branches. Approval is fast and affordable, so you could have the money you need in as little as 24 hours.
The application process takes just minutes to complete, and once approved for your loan, you’ll be able to get up to $1,000! You can pay it back over time at a rate that’s affordable for your budget–and since we don’t require collateral or credit checks on these types of loans (like most banks do), there are no hidden fees or requirements here either.
Ally Auto offers instant financing for car repairs, registration fees and other unexpected expenses at deferred presentment rates starting at just 6 percent APR for qualified borrowers.
Ally Auto offers instant financing for car repairs, registration fees and other unexpected expenses at deferred presentment rates starting at just 6 percent APR for qualified borrowers.
If your car breaks down or you have an unexpected expense like a flat tire or battery replacement, Ally’s Deferred Presentment Loan can help you get back on the road quickly with flexible terms. Once approved for the loan, we’ll deposit funds directly into your account so that you can pay your mechanic or service shop right away–and then make monthly payments over time until the entire amount has been paid off in full.
Ally Auto offers instant financing for car repairs, registration fees and other unexpected expenses at deferred presentment rates starting at just 6 percent APR for qualified borrowers.